Just Another Day
Winter has returned to the north country...I think it was brought in by Georg W. when he visited yesterday. Does anything good follow that man?
So a bill to censure President Bush has been introduced to Congress. Finally, someone with a set! To keep from getting overly depressed with the State of the Union, I focus on the upcoming mid-term elections. I know that the present administration does not represent the majority of Americans. BUT the very vocal, very well organized, and very well funded fundamentalist right has a choke hold on our government. So here's what I wish for: that We, the people of the United States, will wake up this November and vote out all the gutless, wittless members of Congress and elect some officials that are not afraid to speak out when they disagree, will represent the majority of people in this country, restore the constitution and the rights it affords us all and end the embarrassment that is felt by so many patriotic citizens toward the present government and what they have done to OUR GOOD NAME.
I have to believe that we have it in us to boot the bastards out of office...the alternative is just too scary to think about.
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